Inkzar offers a wide range of EPSON reseters
We divide in 3 sections/kinds :
To reset cartridge chip and maintenance tanks.
To reset only cartridge chips (usually over 15% capacity)
To reset only maintenance/wate tanks.
The chips ever are an obstacle that manufacturers put on machines to tied up you to their decisions and not allow you to freely decide what you want to do.
¿What do you think if buying a new car you can only fill gasoline in certan gas stations exclusively and the price of gasoline was previously marked and high without any posibility of any competence? ¿will you like it? Probably not. Me not too.
For this reason we use reseters, to recycle and reuse the chips that wide format printers uses.
The reseter are neede usually with refillable cartridges and optionally with maintenance/waste tank.
For example if you reset the maintenance tank, clean it, recicle content, and replace the sponges, you will save a lot of money will pay a complete refillable system with this savings!!!

Colores disponibles
Compatible Wide format printers
- EPSON Stylus Pro 4000/4400/4450/7600/9600/10600 (chip and maintenance tank)
- EPSON Stylus Pro 7800/9800/7880/9880 (chip and maintenance tank)
- EPSON Stylus Pro 7900/9900/7890/9890 (chip and maintenance tank)
- EPSON Stylus Pro 7700/9700 (chip and maintenance tank)
- EPSON Surecolor T3000/5000/7000 (chip and maintenance tank)
- EPSON Surecolor T3000/5000/7000 (chip and maintenance tank)
- EPSON Surecolor T3000/5000/7000 (chip and maintenance tank)
- EPSON Colorworks C3500 (chip and maintenance tank)
- EPSON Colorworks C6500 (chip and maintentance tank)
*Colores disponibles según modelo.