Inkzar offers for EPSON printers the compatible ink range called “Zetachrome ZDR”, our denomination for “Ultrachrome HDR©” ink from EPSON.
We supply the product in bottles of 125ml, 250ml and 1000ml, also available cartrtidges one time use 350ml and 700ml with chip.
We have available too, refillable cartridges with resetter chip to fill from bottles to get big saving and high production.
Colores disponibles
Epson HDR/ Inkzar ZDR - 11 colors
Cyan | Vivid Magenta | Yellow | Photo Black | Matte Black|Light Cyan|Vivid Light Magenta | Light Black|LightLightBlack|Orange|Green
Compatible Models
- EPSON Stylus Pro 7700/9700
- EPSON Stylus Pro 7890/9890
- EPSON Stylus Pro 7900/9900
*Colores disponibles según modelo.